Evidence supporting #glutenfree claims for specially produced oats – available for comments

Health Canada’s Food Directorate scientists reviewed and updated the evidence that supports the safety for Celiac individuals of specially produced oats i.e., oats that are produced in a manner that makes them pure and uncontaminated with other cereal grains such as wheat and barley. The conclusion of this review is that these oats are safe to be introduced in a “gluten-free” diet for the majority of celiac individuals. The evidence is open for consultation and input from the stakeholder community until the end of January 2015. Input should be provided to  fooddirectorate-directiondesaliments@hc-sc.gc.ca

More information on Health Canada’s consultation is available via this link:  Health Canada’s consultation on “Gluten free” claims for pure and uncontaminated oats

Blog post by Samuel Godefroy : Opinions are personal with no attribution to my employer

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