Annual Conference of the AQIA dedicated to #FoodAllergen Management

Food Allergen Management, Emerging Issues and Perspectives is the theme chosen this year for the annual meeting of the Association Québecoise pour l’innocuité alimentaire.

This meeting is to be held in Quebec City, QC, Canada on Sept 30-Oct 1st, 2015.

Take note of key speakers from Canada, the United States, Europe and Australia. Various topics will be discussed dealing with the the public health impacts of food allergens, food allergen management by the food industry, regulatory management of this issue, emerging issues of allergen thresholds and their possible use in risk management considerations, as well as food allergen analytical method development and applications in food allergen control by the food processing sector.

The organizers are still looking for sponsors for this event, so feel free to contact: Andrée Lagacé at or by phone at (418) 656-3951

More information on this event can be obtained though the AQIA Website.

The preliminary programme for this event is attached:

#AOAC Food Allergen Community to meet tomorrow / Update on our recent activities to enhance food allergen management

During the upcoming meeting of the AOAC International (International Association of Official Analytical Communities), on September 9th, 2014, experts of the Food Allergen Community will be seeking and providing updates on their latest accomplishments and current challenges in the area of food allergen management, method development and validation as well as capacity building initiatives.

I will use this opportunity to provide the community (remotely) with an update on our recent capacity building activities under the auspices of the Asia/Pacific Food Safety Cooperation Forum to support improved practices of food allergen management by industry and regulators.

I am embedding in this post, the introductory remarks I had the opportunity to make during the Food Allergen Methodologies Workshop, held in Vancouver, British Columbia, in May 2014, co-organised by Health Canada’s Food Directorate and the Food Allergy Research and Resource Program (FARRP) of the University of Nebraska.

These remarks attempt to put in context these efforts of capacity building and the importance of our continued investment to promote knowledge transfer related to allergen management amongst food safety stakeholders.

Meet #foodallergen experts at the Health Canada/FARRP Workshop

It is still possible to register and participate in the upcoming Health Canada / FARRP workshop on food allergen methodologies, to be held in Vancouver in about 2 weeks and supported by the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC).

Details on the workshop were previously made available on this blog.

Latest Program of the 8th Health Canada / FARRP Workshop on Food Allergen Methodologies

This workshop offers a unique opportunity to meet with world renowned experts in this field and will support stakeholders’ efforts to enhance the management of allergens in food processing practices.

The workshop will also gather representatives of food regulatory agencies from around the world and in particular from the Asia Pacific Region.

Food industry representatives will be able to register for a one day participation, at a reduced cost. This workshop is organised every two years by Health Canada’s Food Directorate and FARRP and represents a unique opportunity of networking and experience sharing in the field of allergen management in the food industry.

Latest updates on food allergen analysis and risk management methods – Workshop organised by HC’s Food Directorate, FARRP and APEC



This is the Eighth Workshop on Food Allergen Methodologies that is co-organised by Health Canada’s Food Directorate and the Food Allergy Research and Resource Program of the University of Nebraska.

The workshop will keep its original objective of bringing together world leading experts in allergen detection methods and to offer a forum for increasing consultation, information exchange, and harmonization in the area of food allergens and analytical methods for food allergens.

The workshop will gather scientists, chemists, analysts and other representatives from government agencies, university, industry and consumer associations, to discuss issues related to detection, identification, characterization, and control of allergen residues in foods.

This year’s meeting has an additional purpose of capacity building and is supported by the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)’s Food safety Cooperation Forum. Experts from the APEC region will be given the opportunity to share best practices and learn from each other about the management of allergens in the food industry.

The workshop will be held in Vancouver Canada from May 6th to May 8th with the following program: Technical Program – Food Allergen Methods Workshop 2014

A special session dedicated to APEC regulators is organised on May 5th.

It is possible for food industry to register for a one day session only, based on their interest.

Registration can take place through the following link on the FARRP Website:Registration webpage

The workshop will offer an invaluable networking opportunity for food allergen management experts in the Asia Pacific Region and from around the world. I hope to see you there.